Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

To declare war with Germany in 1939, George VI gives a strong speech to millions of radio listeners without stammering.

This manuscript is an amazing example of book painting that is even older than the Diamond Sutra.

Beatrix writes twenty-three little books for children, which remain popular today.

Read a poem about the Lorax, written in a style similar to Dr. Seuss' writing style.

The Germans consider the Italians as traitors, not prisoners of war, so they massacre them; Pampaloni survives.

Learn about the Civil-War-era soldiers, for the North and the South, through pictures from the National Archives.

Helen connects the finger spelling of water with water running over her hand, and she is eager to learn.

Frozen in ice, George Mallory's newly discovered body remains preserved 75 years after his death.

The Navajo Nation governs itself through tribal councils; children are educated at "white" schools, it is hard work to build homes and roads in rugged...

At 8:46:40 EDT, Flight 11 strikes the North Tower between the 95th and 103rd floors killing all 103 people onboard.

Justice Hunt does not allow the jury to reach a verdict but gives his own written statement at the conclusion of proofs in the Susan B. Anthony trial....

Types of passengers on the Titanic with photos and descriptions.

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