Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

Immediately after San Francisco's 1906 earthquake, members of the US Army and Navy, plus local police and firefighters, fight the fires and help the q...

The Poor Laws, meant to help, only led to more landowners getting rid of tenants.

What is Late Potato Blight and how does it destroy the plant and its tubers?

Evelyn provides a platform for reform with her story, but the Irish industrial schools still exist.

Wladyslaw Szpilman writes of his experiences as a survivor of the Nazi regime, and tells of Hosenfeld's good deeds.

Read information about 8 more victims in the Virginia Tech Massacre.

The German naval ship, Wilhelm Gustloff, is full with civilians trying to escape the Soviet Army.

A design flaw in America's Supersonic Transport Shuttle results in NASA's fatal 25th mission in 1986, as the shuttle explodes killing its crew.

Even though the odds are against them, the people of Stalingrad overcome enormous hardships and hold out.

Chuck Yeager proves that there is no sound barrier affecting the speed of an aircraft, and the race for the moon soon follows.

At 9:02:59 EDT, Flight 175 strikes the South Tower at about the 80th floor killing all 65 people onboard.

Russia and the United States race to be the first into space.

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