Trials Chapters

Courtroom battles often produce sensational scenes resulting in curious spectators and endless news coverage. From ancient to modern times, trials attract significant attention. This collection explores some of the most-fascinating.

Tone prefers being shot to being hung as a traitor.

After his slave ordeal is over, Solomon Northup brings charges against the people who wrongfully sold him into slavery. Because a black person cannot ...

Charles Schenck, secretary general of the Socialist Party of America, believes the military draft is unconstitutional.

Mary, Queen of Scots remains an important figure in Scottish history. Learn more about her with these links to images of related places and items.

Elizabeth Packard spends her life trying to change mental health laws and women's property rights.

Both Mary and Elizabeth want the English throne so Mary marries Lord Darnley, who is another heir, but later murdered.

When founding Pennsylvania, Penn creates laws modeled on freedom.

The medieval Catholic Church tries, finds guilty, and then excommunicates ... moles.

Perpignan is in southern France and home to Castillet, a former prison.

In 1994, the parties reach an agreement to arbitrate the case and place it into the hands of two retired judges.

Once the toxic chrome 6 is in the unlined ponds, there is nothing to stop it from going into the wells that supply nearby homes.

As he plots Garfield's death, the once-institutionalized Guiteau stalks the President.

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