Trials Chapters

Courtroom battles often produce sensational scenes resulting in curious spectators and endless news coverage. From ancient to modern times, trials attract significant attention. This collection explores some of the most-fascinating.

Jack the Ripper begins his crime spree by murdering a 42-year-old woman named Polly Nichols.

Critics charge that Judge Hunt denied Susan not only her right to vote, but also her right to a trial by jury.

Jesus predicts his own death, causing many to doubt that he is the Messiah.

When John Dillinger begins his 13-month crime spree, placing him at the top of America's "most wanted" list, the Great Depression is ongoing.

Webster's familyreceives help from a most unlikely source after his trip to the gallows - Dr. Parkman's widow.

Nathan Leopold is truly sorry for his part in the crimes and is released on March 13, 1958.

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

President Nixon's actions are the subject of many famous political cartoons by Herb Block (Herblock), which can be viewed online.

Within ten years after Wallace's death, Scotland is free and Robert the Bruce becomes king.

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both believe in a democratic society, with freedom to worship as one chooses.

Rome dominates the Jews and their county while Jesus preaches love and forgiveness.

Since Lizzie has no attorney when she answers questions at the inquest , thereby violating her rights, her inquest testimony cannot be used against he...

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