World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Even before Rome left Britannia, Anglo-Saxons tried to invade Britain. The Romans defended against such invasions by building forts along Britain''s c...

Thomas Clarkson and his colleagues on the "Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade" wanted to create a visual picture of a slave's life during ...

As Dante and Virgil make their way through the Inferno, they encounter demons with pitchforks. Although the pitchforks are raised, as if to attack, th...

After Erasmus Jacobs, son of a poor South African farmer, finds a sparkly pebble along the southern bank of the Orange River, parts of the South Afric...

Allies came ashore on August 19, 1942 to German occupiers at the ready, casualties were high.

Understanding Dante's Inferno becomes much-easier when we view illustrations by an artist like Gustave Dore.

An unknown miniaturist, working in Venice during the 1340s, created this work illuminating a page from Dante’s Divine Comedy. The 14th-century m...

Did Bates, Lord Grantham's valet, push Green, Lord Gillingham's valet, into the path of a bus at Piccadilly? Did he have a motive?

Despite early opposition to purchasing a wireless for Downton Abbey, Robert Crawley (Lord Grantham) finally gives-in when he learns that the King (Geo...

What is the real story behind Downton Abbey? As it happens ... lots of history. Step back in time to witness events in the 1920s, including the expedi...

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess of Grantham, knows a Russian aristocrat who fled Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. What's the history behind...

See the massive Allied bombing attack on Dresden, during February and March of 1945. Bomb runs began on February 13th, reducing the city to utter deva...

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