World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

A Caliph, called Omar, allegedly wrote "The Covenant of Peace," directed to Christians living in Jerusalem.

The Nazi's bombed Coventry to brea morale, learn why it did not work.

Mexico's independence began with an event called "The Cry of Dolores" when a priest challenged his parishioners: "Will you free yourselves?"

As Dante and Virgil reach the City of Dis, they see the flaming towers of a city seemingly on fire. Inhabitants of Dis wonder how these two individual...

Danzig, a city in German-controlled Prussia during WWII—and now, as Gdansk, part of Poland—was particularly damaged during the war.Hitler ...

Darius I the Great King of Persia

Celebrating her Sapphire Jubilee, on 6 Feb 2017, Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's longest-reigning monarch following the untimely death of her father.

In the summer of 451 AD, the Roman general Aetius assembled a military force to resist the advances of Attila the Hun. Theodoric, King of the Visigoth...

Voted "The Greatest Briton," by his country, Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965. After lying in state, at Westminster, he had a state funeral ...

For centuries, London's Fleet Prison was a terrible place. People who owed debts were routinely jailed there.

As agitation against American slavery increased, abolitionists meet in Philadelphia in December of 1833.

This image depicts a page from the "Deeds of Alexander the Great" (Alexandri Magni Historia) also known as Manuscript (Cod. Lat. 161).  This impo...

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