World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

American war posters portray the need for more and more equipment and advise people to waste nothing.

Joseph Goebbels is in charge of propaganda for the Third Reich and controls who can make movies and what those films can depict.

Children, especially in Great Britain, have to suffer family issues, as well as a lack of food and supplies.

Many Japanese soldiers and civilians on Saipan kill themselves so Marines do not capture them.

Henry Mucci and his special forces surprise the Japanese and rescue prisoners from Cabanatuan.

Heinrich Himmler plans to hide the "evacuation" of the Jews from the world, assuring the Nazis that this is a noble cause.

Hitler will not allow his commander Paulus to surrender, preferring that he commit suicide.

Hitler, sensing the Germans might be losing Stalingrad, forbids his generals from surrendering.

Hitler's campaign during economic hard times ultimately leads to his rise as German Chancellor.

Hitler creates the Nuremberg Laws to discriminate against Jews.

Within a year after Bonhoeffer and his colleagues started the Confessing Church, the Nazis were no longer content to merely humiliate Jews. Why mere...

Hitler creates the Nuremberg Laws to discriminate against Jews. On January 20, 1942 leading Nazis met at the Wannsee Conference to discuss, among othe...

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