World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Concentration camps, some of which are forced-labor camps and others "death camps," are part of Hitler's "Final Solution." Buchenwald and Flossenburg ...

A detailed description of concentration camps that are part of Hitler's "Final Solution.'

Hitler charged Heinrich Himmler with carrying out the "Final Solution" - the Nazis' plan to rid Germany of all Jews and other political undesirables. ...

Hitler's "final solution" is to erase the Jewish race in Europe by gassing them in concentration camps.

Hosenfeld, who keeps a diary of the acts committed by Hitler and the Nazis, dies in the war camps even though Szpilman tries to help him.

Children help out by rationing, recycling, and helping to support their families.

This photo, online via the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, depicts an Enigma machine in use during World War II.  Curators of the museum p...

Andrew Hodges, the biographer of Alan Turing, took this picture of Bletchley Park huts as they appeared in 1998. He describes the photo:  "Hut Ei...

Using flamethrowers, TNT, machine guns and "Ronson" tanks, the 28th Marines make slow progress capturing Suribachi.

Following FDR's Executive Order 9066, ten internment camps, located in seven states, received Japanese-American evacuees.

There is no solid proof that the duel between Konings and Zaitsev occurs, but it is fact that the Russian snipers help win the war.

Historians are not sure if the duel is true or Russian legend.

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