World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

See photos of the 27 US soldiers who receive Medals of Honor.

The Japanese defend Iwo Jima with land mines, hidden bunkers and thousands of soldiers concealed on Mount Suribachi; they are difficult to locate and ...

Jenny on the Job is the female counterpart to Joe Dope; she is a model production worker.

Hitler plans his "final solution" to exterminate Jews, who make up 30% of Warsaw's citizens.

Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle believes that land-based planes, B-25 Mitchells, can reach Japan and drop bombs from navy ships not accustomed to carrying an...

Prior to invading Iwo Jima, the US bombs the island for 3 days and assumes that effort will negatively impact Japanese resistance when the Marines com...

Fear of enemy eavesdropping leads to American-government posters which introduce characters like "Joe Dope." The point is to urge caution in conversa...

General Kuribayashi, believing that he will die on Iwo Jima, writes farewell letters to his wife; he allegedly commits suicide rather than surrenderin...

The Japanese capture Zamp and Phil after 47 days. They are beaten and treated worse than animals. Zamp and Phil transfer to another prisoner of war ca...

The Russians win Berlin, and the last days of Hitler follow.

When Japanese-Americans are forced to leave their homes, due to Executive Order 9066, they give away their possessions.

The courts recognize the wrong in Japanese-American internment camps and overturn convictions. Decades later, the federal government makes an effort a...

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