World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Mutsuhiro Watanabe (The Bird) is the worst Japanese guard; he makes life hard for Zamp at several camps. After the war, The Bird hides, begins a new l...

General Kimura meets no resistance when the Japanese land in the Philippines; they enter Manila on January 2, 1942.

America captures its first U-boat, the U-505, off the coast of French West Africa.

It is never easy to break the U-boat codes because the Germans change them frequently.

Thousands of Germans flee as the Russian army seeks revenge.

It takes 3 days of hunting for each other, but finally Vasily sees a reflection of Konig and is able to shoot and kill him.

Even though he is a "super sniper", Konings is no match for Zaitsev who kills him.

Japanese-American citizens must evacuate their homes and go to internment camps.

In 1940, France surrenders to Germany and for the next four years Hitler's forcesoccupy two-thirds of France.

Hitler plans to turn Norway into an affiliated nation. By the 9th of June, 1940, Norway falls although resistance continues throughout WWII.

At Iwo Jima, photographer Joe Rosenthal captures the instant the replacement flag goes up while other photos and movies depict the original flag comin...

The US fleet at Pearl Harbor is crucial to American and Britain's war interests; the military believes the fleet is safe.

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