World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

If all governments with nuclear power act responsibly, someday there could be enough power for everyone.

To declare war with Germany in 1939, George VI gives a strong speech to millions of radio listeners without stammering.

Szpilman's last radio concert and the end of cultural life in Warsaw before the war occur at the same time.

Amos Pampaloni, who may be the real-life model for Captain Corelli, remembers the developing tensions between Germans and Italians during September of...

The Germans consider the Italians as traitors, not prisoners of war, so they massacre them; Pampaloni survives.

The Navajo Nation governs itself through tribal councils; children are educated at "white" schools, it is hard work to build homes and roads in rugged...

When the movie is made in the US, it causes friction with the British because it was a British, not an American, crew that retrieved the Enigma machin...

Discover the story and politics behind the replacement flag raising on Iwo Jima and the famous photograph taken on Mt. Suribachi.

Henry Mucci and his special forces gather information and local help to plan the rescue of prisoners at Cabanatuan.

Aerial view of Iwo Jima at about the time of the battle.  It was here that thousands of people died between February-March, 1945. Department of D...

Wladyslaw Szpilman writes of his experiences as a survivor of the Nazi regime, and tells of Hosenfeld's good deeds.

The German naval ship, Wilhelm Gustloff, is full with civilians trying to escape the Soviet Army.

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