World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Even though the odds are against them, the people of Stalingrad overcome enormous hardships and hold out.

During the brutal Russian winter, citizens turn to cannibalism to survive; however, the German troops are only mildly better off.

The Stalingrad people are recognized for their suffering and heroics and presented with tributes.

The Sword of Stalingrad is presented to the Russian people by Winston Churchill to honor their suffering and heroism.

On July 16, 1945, the U.S. tests an atomic device with stunning results. It was a day the world changed.

Tuskegee Institute is a flight school that graduates African American pilots.

U-boats are submarines the Germans use to attack Allied supply ships.

U-boats are submarines the Germans use to attack Allied supply ships.

A German engineer, Arthur Scherbius, creates the Enigma device in 1923; the Nazis use the codes, to great advantage, in WWII.

Navajo code talkers, speaking their unwritten language, create an unbroken code which greatly helps the Marines during their battle for Iwo Jima.

SS Major General Stroop destroys the second-largest Jewish community in the world.

The greatest amphibious invasion in history will take place under unexpectedly good weather conditions.

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