World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

With the sinking of the U-559, the British gain the information they need to finally break the Enigma Machine's code.

German, Arthur Scherbius creates the Enigma device in 1923; the Nazis use the codes in WWII.

It is never easy to break the codes because the Germans change them frequently; finally the British learn to decode important weather signals.

The CIA studies photographs showing the position of rail spurs, camp buildings, and vehicles.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his twin sister Sabine were born in Breslau, Germany on February 4, 1906. An extremely bright young man, he shocked his family...

The early life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his decision to become a minister.

There were not enough planes and guns to defend the Philippines from the Japanese.

Bombs strike the USS Arizona causing it to explode; 900 sailors die and the ship sinks.

Americans land on Utah Beach, one of five Normandy beaches attacked on D-day.

Vasily Zaitsev is one of the Soviet snipers who helps the Russians overcome the Germans.

Vasily Zaitsev is a famous and successful Russian sniper.

While there are early warnings of a potential attack, the Office of Navy Intelligence does not believe them.

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