World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

The Warsaw Ghetto is the first step in the Nazi plan for extermination of the Jews.

Despite the Jewish resistance to the German assault, Jewish men and women are captured and killed.

U.S. war posters highlight worries about food shortages and prompt people to avoid wasting anything.

In this image we see John Cairncross as he appeared during his student days at Cambridge University. Photo online via Spartacus Educational website. ...

The Japanese attack West Loch at Pearl Harbor and destroy US military and equipment bound for the battle of Saipan.

This photo of a 4-rotor Enigma machine gives us a view of the rotors, the lamp board, the keyboard and a small view of the plugboard. Online via the U...

Pvt. Joseph McDonald receives the radar message from Opana Point but cannot get anyone to believe him about the incoming Japanese planes until it is t...

Questions remain about the Allied lack of action toward the death camps, but all the clues are not available until after the war.

Louie comes home from war angry and violent. After meeting Billy Graham, Louie decides to change his life and learn to forgive those who harmed him.

One of the most popular actresses during the time of the Third Reich, Bridget von Hammersmark is also a spy.

The U.S. military uses the "Joe Dope" character to remind people what NOT to do.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a commander of Allied Forces, is chosen to lead the invasion.

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