Biographies Chapters

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

The National Child Labor Committee works for change, but still expects children to hold jobs.

Seeing that Protestants in France need help, Charles I of England sends Lord Buckingham to lead the charge.

C.S. Lewis was instrumental as he encourages his friend, J.R.R. Tolkien, to keep writing.

Lewis forms "The Inklings," a group of writers including Tolkien, who meet every week atan Oxford pub to discuss their writing.

Information and clips about the beginnings of "The City of Angels", Los Angeles.

Margaret steps down from her role as Prime Minister, and her husband Denis later dies of cancer.

Louie joins the Army and drops bombs on Japanese from a B-24 bomber. The B-24 history is overwhelming in terms of crashes and loss of life.

From discovering pasteurization to debunking the "spontaneous generation" theory, Louis Pasteur and his experiments produced astonishing results.

After successfully vaccinating fifty dogs, Louis Pasteur and his team meet a young boy who was bitten by a rabid dog. They must decide whether to inno...

Louis Pasteur's list of accomplishments is impressive, not least because so many of his ideas went against the grain of contemporary thinking. His mai...

Lewis marries Joy Davidman Gresham, an American divorcee, so that she can remain in England, but they fall in love.

Marrying a divorcee amidst her battle with cancer gives C.S. Lewis an opportunity to share life and love.

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