Biographies Chapters

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

As scholars try to understand why organized churches did little to resist Hitler and his Third Reich, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the young Lutheran pastor, ...

In 1971, the U.S. is fighting a war in Vietnam that many Americansdo not support.

The attention of Pope Pius IX, along with the splendor of Rome, sways Edgardo to stay.

On June 7, 1692 an earthquake destroys Port Royal and the town never recovers.

Critics charge that Judge Hunt denied Susan not only her right to vote, but also her right to a trial by jury.

While waiting for Stalin to arrive, President Truman writes of the devastation in Berlin.

Churchill proves himself as he leads his country to victory, but is voted out of office in 1940.

Benjamin Banneker proves himself a genius, yet slavery continues even after it is illegal.

Jesus predicts his own death, causing many to doubt that he is the Messiah.

Even though Raymond has an agreement with Saladin, the Franks on his land attack Saladin's men.

On March 16, 1968 Robert Kennedy announceshe will run for president.

Elizabeth is the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she receives a good education and can speak six languages.

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