Biographies Chapters

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

Politicians (Bundy and McNamara) with little knowledge of Vietnamese history want to defeat Communism, and look for an excuse to fight North Vietnam.

Scholars disagree about the reliability of slave memoirs and oral histories.

Facts about Bobby's fatal shooting are still in dispute today.

Susan continues to fight for women's suffrage until she dies aged 86, fourteen years before passage of 19th Amendment in 1920.

Despite internal opposition in Iran, Americans help Britain to remove Mossadeq from power. This action damages America's relationship with Iran.

Louie comes home from war angry and violent. After meeting Billy Graham, Louie decides to change his life and learn to forgive those who harmed him.

Mossadeq upsets Britain by taking back control of Iran's oil; the U.S. agrees to partner with Britain to overthrow him.

Learn what happens to the players and staff after the A's 2002 season.

Unsterile conditions during the searches for the bullet result in a deadly infection and blood poisoning.

Bodies of the Romanov family remain in a shallow grave until 1979, when they are found.

Bodyguards are not protecting President Lincoln when John Wilkes Booth shoots him.

The Dyers meet George Fox, the Quaker leader in England and join his group.

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