Biographies Documents

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

On the 28th of October, 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev sent President John F. Kennedy a letter which effectively ended the Cuban Missile Crisi...

Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's letter, dated the 28th of October, 1962, effectively ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.  This image is the third...

Learn the story of how Nkosi Sikelele became part of South Africa's national anthem and meet the young man who wrote the song.

Nuenen, where Vincent's parents moved during his early-adult years, is located in the south-central region of the Netherlands.   

This document, released by NASA, shows early objections to the design of the O-Rings and the potential for joint leakage.  The document is dated ...

Image of Orville Wright's December 17, 1903 Diary Entry. Click on the image for a better view.

After the Wright Brothers successfully tested their Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville (Orevelle) sent a telegram to his father to share the...

The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (by David Hugh Farmer) says the birthplace of Saint Patrick is “somewhere in the west between the mouth of the S...

In this page from Milton Wright's diary - on December 15, 1903 - we see a reference to the telegram he received from his son (Wilbur) reporting the ab...

The word "Pesach" is pronounced PAY-sahch, with the "ch" sounding like the "ch" in the Scottish word "loch."  It stands for "Passover," a holy da...

Facsimilie of Susan B. Anthony's Petition to the Senate of the United States - For the Protection of Women. Click on the image for a better view.

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