Biographies Story Briefs

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph on the 21st of November, 1877 - and - we can hear it. The clip is the first "listenable" piece...

You'll be surprised to learn the compelling story behind the famous painting by Edvard Munch called "The Scream."

Edward Coke, a leading 17th-century jurist and expert on Common Law, wrote a series of works about the topic between 1628 and 1644.

An effigy on the tomb of Edward of Woodstock, the first Prince of Wales who was also known as The Black Prince, gives us a glimpse of how he appeared ...

A voice for the voiceless, Elie Wiesel died July 2, 2016. "The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference," is one of his memorable lines.

After she read the 1842 "Report of the Children’s Employment Commission," an appalled Elizabeth Barrett Browning published her poem, "The Cry of the...

Helping to unite England, Elizabeth of York marries Henry Tudor.

Emile Roux, famous in his own right for helping children overcome diphtheria, was Louis Pasteur's chief assistant.

Living as an artist among other artists in Brooklyn, Emil Goldfus / Willy Fisher / Rudolf Abel became particularly close to Burton Silverman.

When Mamie Till-Bradley sees the disfigured body of her son, she orders the funeral director to put a glass top over the remains but to keep the coffi...

Emperor Meiji (1852 - 1912) was also known as Meiji the Great. He ruled Japan from February 3, 1867 to the day he died on July 30, 1912.

Theodora was one of the most-influential women of the ancient world. She was a champion of women's rights. She had laws passed which prohibited the tr...

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