Biographies Videos

We may know about a famous person's accomplishments, but what do we know about THEM? What is the human-interest story in THEIR lives? This biography collection features the stories behind the lives of some famous (and not-so-famous) individuals.

Continuing with his theories on motion, Galileo used a horse to demonstrate that the Earth moves.

When a new Pope was elected in Rome - Urban VIII - Galileo believed his ideas would finally be accepted.

On the 7th of January, 1610, Galileo turned his telescope to the sky and discovered that Jupiter had three moons.

Galileo Galilei was born at a time when people believed the sun revolved around the earth - a theory originally proposed by the Greek philosopher Aris...

Galileo - according to many scholars - was the creator of modern science.

When Galileo began to experiment with his new telescope, by pointing it to the sky, he made the world's first astronomical observations.

Before Galileo had a chance to plead his cause before the Inquisitor, the Council voted 11-0 that the Earth did not move.

Gandhi urged a national strike after he returned to his country. The Amritsar Massacre soon followed.

Gandhi referred to South Africa as his second home, and it was there that the young lawyer decided to non-violently oppose a racially motivated law.

Gandhi once told an associate (V.

Gandhi's stunning achievements, and his legacy of non-violent resistance, became a model for other leaders of oppressed people.

As he considered the best way to deal with South African discrimination, Gandhi developed communities of people from different races and religions.

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