Education Chapters

A collection of stories to support teaching and learning.

An overview of research into the impact of primary sources in teaching and learning.

Dostoevsky reluctantly agrees to work with Anna Snitkina, using the new science of stenography to meet his deadline.

An article exploring the impact of storytelling on the brain.

Margaret Mitchell did not have a title for her famous novel until just before it was published. What was the source of the title, "Gone with the Wind?...

Native Americans Indicator SC 8-1.1

Spain, French, and English Come Exploring Indicator 8-1.2

NBCT Teacher Amy Perruso describes a career-deepening experience working with students in restoration on Kahoolawe Island, the island off Maui ravaged...

What makes AwesomeStories such a great way to learn? Stories engage students who investigate topics with primary sources, pictures, videos and animati...

An overview of the AwesomeStories StoryMaker App, quickguides and videos.

After the Swann case ruling, from the Supreme Court, T. C. Williams High School begins serving black and white students.

Humphry Davy builds-on the work of Alessandro Volta and shocks a London audience with an incredibly bright electric light.

How Cecil the Lion was Killed

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