Education Documents

A collection of stories to support teaching and learning.

This guide shows how to create stories from the student dashboard

Summer Reading and Writing for Middle and HS History Buffs Flyer

Summer Reading and Writing for Middle and HS Movie Lovers Flyer

Infographic illustrating AwesomeStories Summer Reading program

This syllabus defines a course examining relationships between Hawai‘i ’s native Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Islander populations in the context o...

This Guide Shows Teachers How to Grade Assignments and Learning Tasks with Rubrics

The American Stationer is a journal which—according to its own description—was "devoted to the interests of the stationery & fancy goo...

Image of the German ship Steuben, which was torpedoed and sunk by the Russian submarine S-13 on February 9, 1945.

The Versailles Treaty imposed harsh terms on Germany.  Effectively demilitarizing the country, to prevent another world war from developing, thi...

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