Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

After Union soldiers leave, the South resumes racial discrimination and segregation as a way of life.

Szpilman's last radio concert and the end of cultural life in Warsaw before the war occur at the same time.

After the death of Dr. Lanyon, Gabriel Utterson visits the home of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He is stunned by the events which transpire there.

As he journeys with the "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come," Scrooge sees the body of a man who dies alone, unwanted and unloved. He begins to worry: I...

It is due to the bravery of Leonidas' 300 that Athens and the rest of Greece continue to fight the Persians.

Justice Hunt does not allow the jury to reach a verdict but gives his own written statement at the conclusion of proofs in the Susan B. Anthony trial....

The formerly widespread papal rule comes to an end in the late 19th century.

The Great Famine of Ireland follows a set of "Penal Laws" governing the conduct of Irish Catholics.

According to the Puritans, the pillory is fitting for anyone having the nerve to disregard societal rules.

Pope Innocent III believes King John does not have the right to give away land without consulting him. The Pope's response is to excommunicate the nob...

Native Americans lose their land and leaders; their way of life changes forever because of U.S. westward expansion.

People who have dementia sometimes see things that are not real (but what they see is real to them).

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