Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

On May 10, 1869, the last spike of the transcontinental railroad - an official golden one - is set into the tie at Promontory, Utah. Meanwhile, Nativ...

Aerial view of Iwo Jima at about the time of the battle.  It was here that thousands of people died between February-March, 1945. Department of D...

New technology allows exploration of the Titanic and other ships.

Wladyslaw Szpilman writes of his experiences as a survivor of the Nazi regime, and tells of Hosenfeld's good deeds.

People are fascinated with the life and death of the Romanovs; there are many biographies available about Tsar Nicolas and his family.

Scrooge takes a trip with the "Spirit of Christmas Present" and learns more about the lives of his clerk (Bob Cratchit) and nephew (Fred) than he ever...

The seven dwarfs are probably adult miners who suffer growth problems due to mining work as children.

Even though the odds are against them, the people of Stalingrad overcome enormous hardships and hold out.

King John was among the worst Kings to rule England. He taxes his nobility to pay for battles. Those nobles finally take London by force to make the K...

Attacks attributed to the Ripper typically involve female prostitutes who live and work in the Whitechapel-area slums of London.

The Supreme Court rules the Challenger transcripts are not for public use out of respect for family privacy.

Anne Hutchinson is banished from Puritan society and joins Roger Williams near Providence Rhode Island.

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