Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

A local judge and friend, Wells Spicer, absolves the Earps and Doc Holliday for the murders of the McLaurys and Clanton.

The three-part trading system consists of European goods, African slave labor, and British colony resources, such as coffee and tobacco.

Eyewitness accounts confirm there were no North Vietnamese boats in sight during the alleged attack of August 4, 1964.

Tice, a runaway slave, swims across the Ohio River which separates a free state and a slave state. When he disappears, it's like he is traveling on a...

The medical report shows that some astronauts may have lived until the crew cabin hit the ocean.

Within twenty-five years of her death, justice prevails and Joan of Arc's guilty verdict is renounced; the Pope orders a new trial.

The verdict of history, regarding governmental deceptions and lies revealed in the Pentagon Papers, may reveal that because of their publication, the ...

The 8,000 victims of Galveston's Great Storm include orphans, nuns, patients and nurses. Bodies are hard to find, identify and bury.

Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that permits the use ofmilitary force in Southeast Asia without a formaldeclaration of war.

Raoul Wallenberg is working in Hungary when he learns that Eichmann is rounding-up Hungary's Jewish residents and sending them to death camps.

SS Major General Stroop destroys the second-largest Jewish community in the world.

After returning to England, Thomas Cromwell marries and has a family. His wife is Liz Cromwell.

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