Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Margaret Utinsky, an American nurse whose efforts greatly aided the Cabanatuan prisoners, lost her husband to the prison camp's horrifying conditions....

On the 15th of June, 1520, Pope Leo X ordered Martin Luther to recant 41 of his 95 Theses and to stop preaching about those items in his sermons. Luth...

Observations and descriptions about terrible acts help to get the collective mind of the people to oppose the atrocities.

What was it like for ten-year-old children (and those even younger) to work as miners?

Elizabeth I signed her cousin's death warrant. This image depicts a segment of the only surviving copy of that death warrant.

Harper's Weekly reported the massacre at Lawrence, Kansas (which took place on August 21, 1863) in its September 5th issue.

According to Sarah Farmer, in her 1999 book "Martyred Village - Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane," tragic events took place as the...

Did people around the world know what the Nazis were doing in Poland before the end of the war? In 1942, the Polish government-in-exile sent a pamphle...

On the fourth Monday of May, Americans honor those who have died for their country. Hear a bugler playing "Taps," and learn about the history of this ...

This Welsh song, from the 18th century, remains popular. This stirring rendition is by the Royal Regiment of Wales' Band.

Image of a drawing, created by Lt.

This image depicts one of Dorothea Lange's most-famous photographs. The subject is Florence Owens Thompson; the picture was taken in February or March...

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