Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

As men looked for diamonds, soon after they were first discovered in South Africa, the landscape holding the precious stones was quickly transformed.

Minoru Yashui was the first of three Japanese-Americans to challenge the U.S. federal government for violating the civil rights of Japanese-Americans ...

On the first birthday, after a Mother's death, it's natural to think about all she means. Then...something unexpected happens, resulting in a flood of...

A moralisée, popular in the medieval era, is a pictorial Bible in which Biblical events and their “moralizations” are presented in ...

The president himself designed the landscaped grounds where thirteen trees, from his lifetime, still survive.

Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin at the Mulberry Grove Plantation. The gin makes growing cotton much easier, on southern plantations, directly leadi...

After the war, POWs who had been incarcerated in Japanese camps all told the same story about Mutsuhiro (Matsuhiro) Watanabe - whom prisoners called "...

Dr. Robert O. Wilson, born in the Chinese city of Nanking (Nanjing), stays to help victims of a massacre while others flee to save their own lives.

B-29s, flying over Japan, dropped napalm-filled cluster bombs known as the M-69.

This image depicts From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1824-1909.

According to the National Park Service, Nathanael Greene was born in Potowomut, Rhode Island, on July 27, 1742.

The Trail of Tears, which describes a bleak period in U.S. history, occurred after the U.S. federal government forced Native Americans to leave their ...

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