Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

When Joseph Stalin came to power, after the death of Vladimir Lenin, he decided to force a monumental change in the way people in the Soviet Union rai...

On September 1, 1941, German Jews received the police directive that all Jews above the age of six to wear a yellow star.

While "The Lorax" is a fictional story, by Dr. Seuss, it contains real-life meaning for today's world.

The much-loved story with a message for both children and adults.

How does Rosanna survive ''the night of the shooting stars?'' A child’s sense of wonder, and the words of a nursery rhyme, help to get her through.

In this story, based on his personal observations in 1902, Jack London describes ''Doss Houses'' and what it was like to live in them.

Los Angeles has a large homeless population. Some of the city's homeless people live in the Skid Row section of town, not far from Disney Hall.

In 1987, Lillian Disney - the widow of Walt Disney - decided to give a gift to the people of Los Angeles.

"The Stranger" - a 1946 film by (and starring) Orson Welles - is believed to be the first post-war movie to include newsreel clips of Nazi concentrati...

Edgar Allan Poe's tale of The Tell-Tale Heart remains popular. This is an abridged version.

Learn about American slavery, slave auctions and the Underground Railroad (when people helped others to escape the horrors of chattel slavery).

This image is the original letter - maintained at the Library of Congress - which Thomas Jefferson wrote to Spencer Roane on the 6th of September, 181...

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