Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Illustration, by George Alfred Williams, depicting Tiny Tim with his father, Bob Cratchit, from the 1905 edition of "A Christmas Carol."

After the Carpathia rescued Titanic's survivors, the crew of a ship called the Mackay-Bennett recovered a body wearing these shoes. Who was that baby...

Jack Phillips, Titanic's senior wireless operator, sent this urgent message at about 1:40 AM (local time) on the 15th of April, 1912.

At first, it seemed that Tollund Man had been laid to rest without a violent death. The, his discoverers saw a rope around his neck.

When the Puritans arrived in America, they continued the use of the pillory. Intended to punish people by humiliation, among other things, the pillory...

Alleging that Socrates was corrupting the youth of Athens, the government of this city-state tried the famous philosopher. A jury of 500 people first ...

One of numerous relocation centers, during WWII, the Tule Lake internment camp was also known as a segregation center.

Image of a political cartoon called Church of the Heavenly Antenna by Herb Block and published by the Washington Post on March 26, 1987.

Typhoid Fever - a life-threatening disease caused by bacteria, not by a virus - still impacts about 21.5 million people every year.

Francis Gary Powers was flying a Lockheed U-2 over Soviet territory when he was shot-down by a surface-to-air missile on May 1, 1962.

This is the type of aircraft - a U-2 "spy plane" - which Major Richard S. Heyser flew over Cuba when his photos revealed the the USSR was placing miss...

The Quack - a prison guard at Ofuna - seemed to take great pleasure in harming Allied prisoners of war.

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