Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Chinese laborers help to build the American West, but how are the workers treated as they build their new country?

The USS Enterprise (CVN 65) was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the world.

After delivering parts of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, the USS Indianapolis is torpedoed and sinks in July of 1945. Years later, a 12-year-old school bo...

The historic city of Verdun, in France, has a special meaning for the French people. In February, of 1916, protecting it from falling to the Germans l...

As soldiers wear gas masks, the battle for Verdun grows ever-more costly while French defenders rally around this charge: "Verdun Must Not Fall!"

As another German assault against Verdun begins on the 23rd of June, 1916, French troops remember the words of their General.

The Palace of Versailles, where the treaty ending WWI was signed, is depicted in this painting by Pierre Patel which he created in 1668.

This clip is from Eye of Vichy (L'oeil de Vichy) - by Claude Chabrol and narrated by Brian Cox (in the English version) - a documentary compiling hist...

This image depicts the exterior of a typical money box which people, like Victor Lustig, used to con others out of their money.

After Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and their colleagues are released, they renew their efforts to get a constitutional amendment, granting women the right t...

Germany frequently used mobile launchers (instead of fixed sites) for the V-2, making it very difficult for Allied bombers to find - and eliminate - l...

There is an interesting story about this painting - "White House at Night" - which van-Gogh-art-lovers throughout the world had long presumed lost.

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