Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Image of George Mason's handwritten Declaration of Rights which he drafted in May, 1776.

Who was Walther Schwieger, the German U-boat commander who sank the Lusitania?

Japanese officials, who feared an Allied invasion of Palawan Island (in the Philippines) ordered a massacre of American servicemen during December of ...

Anyone tuning in late to Mercury Theatre on the Air - the night of October 30, 1938 - would have missed the episode's introduction.

A DEA agent guards 5,137 pounds of cocaine seized from a Panamanian ship docked in Miami, Florida.

General Washington was nearly fifty-two when he decided to retire from military life and return to his Mount Vernon plantation.

Poem on communication, by Carole Bos.

An epic is a story, usually in the form of a narrative poem, featuring a hero who prevails despite terrible odds.

Money in the bank doesn't always mean the same thing to people. Stone money is stored outside, not in a locked bank vault, on the Micronesian island o...

When President Truman attended the Potsdam Conference, at the conclusion of WWII in Europe, he stayed in a home which people called "The Little White ...

William, the Duke of Normandy, believed he should be the successor to Edward the Confessor. If right, that meant England would have a Norman king. Cou...

William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, prevailed at the Battle of Senlac (also referred to as the Battle of Hastings) in 1066. His victory is known ...

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