Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Abandoned by his father and losing his mother and foster mother to tuberculosis, Poe spends his childhood alone and sad.

Helen learns to communicate through tantrums and violent outbursts.

Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have four children but only one - a daughter - reaches adulthood.

To fairly assess the impact of Dicken's "A Christmas Carol," on British culture, we have to examine what Christmas was like, in the UK, before Dickens...

Jackie Robinson is politically independent but fights for civil rights.

Clara Barton raises money for the homeless and sends strawberry plants to farmers.

King George III is unwilling to compromise with the colonies in order to avoid a long and costly war. The colonists are willing to rebel to overthrow ...

Some cultures consider comets as omens of disasters.

After his father's death, Commodus becomes the emperor of Rome but is not a good ruler.

Spectators in the Colosseum often decide if a gladiator will live or die with a thumbs up or down.

Although he cannot hear all the notes with his ears, Beethoven writes some of the best-known symphonies of all times.

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