Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Hitler creates the Nuremberg Laws to discriminate against Jews. On January 20, 1942 leading Nazis met at the Wannsee Conference to discuss, among othe...

Within a year after Bonhoeffer and his colleagues started the Confessing Church, the Nazis were no longer content to merely humiliate Jews. Why mere...

Concentration camps, some of which are forced-labor camps and others "death camps," are part of Hitler's "Final Solution." Buchenwald and Flossenburg ...

Hitler charged Heinrich Himmler with carrying out the "Final Solution" - the Nazis' plan to rid Germany of all Jews and other political undesirables. ...

HMSResolute, a British Navy ship, becomes trapped in the Arctic ice. The crew abandons the ship but a whaler later finds it.

Hoover leaves the work of capturing bank robbers to local police until Dillinger commits a federal offense across state lines.

Despite half a million dead and injured and a 1953 Armistice, Korea remains divided.

Once he gives up the throne, Nicholas and his family live a life in exile very different from their royal upbringing.

Once he gives up the throne, Nicholas and his family live in exile. Their lives are now very different from their royal upbringing.

While he is still a child, Howard Hughes unexpectedly loses both of his parents.

Because of his love of flying, Howard starts an aircraft company and advances aviation.

After the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution becomes effective, in 1868, many people believe it does not give women the right to vote. Susan B. A...

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