Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Peter Pan's opening night is a complete surprise to the audience who loves the story; the five Llewelyn Davies boys love seeing their exploits on stag...

Operation Anadyr takes place when Soviet troops and ballistic weapons go to Cuba.

A Daring Adventure

Poe's gambling and borrowing leads to debt; left on his own, he leaves Virginia and returns to Boston as a literary critic.

Mary, Queen of Scots remains an important figure in Scottish history. Learn more about her with these links to images of related places and items.

Meet and see photographs of key Civil War participants.

Logue believes that Bertie's stammer stems from faulty breathing but a great amount of work will cure the problem.

Mussolini begins Fascism in Italy after WWI; Hitler uses Mussolini's propaganda ideas to influence German youth.

Under medical care, Vincent appears better and creates many brilliant works.

Both Mary and Elizabeth want the English throne so Mary marries Lord Darnley, who is another heir, but later murdered.

After a scout for the Milwaukee Brewers sees him pitch, Morris is the team's fourth pick in the supplemental draft.

Discussions remain over how much the US military should have known prior to the Pearl Harbor attack; there are accusations of "miscalculations and blu...

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