Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Using an early form of democracy, Greek city-states fight to keep their rights.

Paul Revere warns colonial soldiers, who stand their ground at Lexington against the British.

Fighting for freedom begins in the Texas territory.

Bobby expresses his political policy in speeches - do right even when it is not popular.

President Nixon's actions are the subject of many famous political cartoons by Herb Block (Herblock), which can be viewed online.

Jesse's close friend, Robert Ford, shoots him in the head in his own house while his family is there.

Within ten years after Wallace's death, Scotland is free and Robert the Bruce becomes king.

Within ten years after Wallace's death, Scotland is free and Robert the Bruce becomes king.

The role of SC in their new government and the national government after the War Indicator 8-2.6

Eighty years later, on the anniversary of their brutal execution, the Russian peoplelay the Romanov family to rest in St. Petersburg.

Former Tsar Nicholas, his wife, his son, his four daughters, and four of their assistants are shot in a cellar in their exiled home.

Rome dominates the Jews and their county while Jesus preaches love and forgiveness.

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