Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

Saint Nicholas of Bari is kind to children, protects sailors and gives generously of himself and his material possessions.

Saint Nicholas of Bari is kind to children, protects sailors and gives generously of himself and his material possessions.

Saladin, a powerful Muslim leader, believes God has called on him to free Palestine.

When Samuel Clemens becomes a professional writer, he adopts a pen name. Samuel Clemens thus becomes Mark Twain.

Samuel Clemens gets a job in St. Louis working on Mississippi river boats. Not long after, he becomes a licensed river pilot.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, was the sixth of seven children who was sickly during his early childhood.

What happens to Jackson's assistant, Sandie Pendelton, and U.S. Grants' new orders.

Huns are expert horsemen and can stand upright on a racing horse while firing deadly arrows.

Since Lizzie has no attorney when she answers questions at the inquest , thereby violating her rights, her inquest testimony cannot be used against he...

Dostoevsky reluctantly hires Anna Snitkina, who knows the new art of "short hand." She will help complete his new novel.

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