Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

As France is drowning in debt and commoners are being overtaxed, the crown jewelers try to convince Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to purchase a 2,800...

When his brother Arthur, the Prince of Wales dies, Henry the Duke of York learns he will be king after his father's death.

Although baseball's real beginnings are unknown, the first recorded game (in 1838) took place in Canada. Boys playing games with balls and sticks can ...

Although Raoul Wallenberg's father died a few months before Raoul was born, the young Swede had a wonderful childhood thanks to his mother and grandfa...

In the 1600s, the East India Company becomes one of the most powerful businesses in the world.

The movie Angela's Ashes portrays the ongoing dispute between England and Ireland.

Humphry Davy builds-on the work of Alessandro Volta and shocks a London audience with an incredibly bright electric light.

After Ebenezer Scrooge takes a trip with the Three Spirits, he decides to make changes in his life. He determines not to end-up like his partner, Jac...

Despite his high position, Thomas Cardinal Wolsey falls from Henry VIII's favor when he is unable to convince Pope Clement VII to grant the King a div...

In 1940, France surrenders to Germany and for the next four years Hitler's forcesoccupy two-thirds of France.

At Iwo Jima, photographer Joe Rosenthal captures the instant the replacement flag goes up while other photos and movies depict the original flag comin...

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