Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

People are fascinated with the life and death of the Romanovs; there are many biographies available about Tsar Nicolas and his family.

Vincent is buried on a beautiful day, surrounded by yellow flowers, his artwork and many people who love him.

Read information about 8 more victims in the Virginia Tech Massacre.

Scrooge takes a trip with the "Spirit of Christmas Present" and learns more about the lives of his clerk (Bob Cratchit) and nephew (Fred) than he ever...

Pilate questions Jesus, but refuses to condemn him and sends him to Herod.

JFK makes a secret deal for America to withdraw missiles in Turkey in exchange for Soviet withdrawal of missiles in Cuba.

Sirhan Sirhan shoots and kills Bobby and injures five others.

A design flaw in America's Supersonic Transport Shuttle results in NASA's fatal 25th mission in 1986, as the shuttle explodes killing its crew.

Tone's Society of United Irishmen wants to downplay religious differences, but is banned.

Chuck Yeager proves that there is no sound barrier affecting the speed of an aircraft, and the race for the moon soon follows.

Russia and the United States race to be the first into space.

Andy (E.B.) White studies the animals he uses in the story in great detail; by doing so, he creates a story loved by generations.

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