Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Alexander is handsome, observant and wise. He speaks fast, walks fast and is so short that when he conquers Persia even a stool isn't high enough for ...

See pictures of Marie Antoinette from the time she is an infant through adulthood.

James grows up without his mother, taking the throne at the age of one.

Threatening the Earps with a rifle, Ike Clanton breaks Tombstone's law against having guns in town.

Lizzie harms herself during her inquest by giving multiple answers to simple questions, which indicates a lack of truthfulness.

After returning to England, Thomas Cromwell marries and has a family. His wife is Liz Cromwell.

Thomas Cromwell, who becomes a key advisor to King Henry VIII, grows-up in Putney, outside London, with a very difficult father.

As a high-level advisor to Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell tries to help the King get a divorce from Catharine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Boleyn.

After he returns from time on the Continent, where he learns several languages and practical aspects of running a business, Thomas Cromwell has a grow...

Who was "Stonewall" Jackson, how did he get his nickname and why did he become so famous?

Read a poem about people not involved in the massacre but who grieve with the rest of the world.

Commodus suffers assassination, as do the next two rulers who replace him.

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