Famous People Chapters

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Beatrix dies in 1943, but her legacy lives on through her stories and drawings.

A mere six weeks into his second term, Lincoln becomes the first President assassinated.

The jurors stand by their verdict, in favor of William Penn, are willing to starve for it.

Czolgosz shoots McKinley two times, gravely wounding him, but McKinley's main concern is about his wife.

A receipts ledger with Capone's name on it shows profits from his gambling house; it is enough evidence to charge him with income tax evasion.

Jesse is born inClay County,Missouri, on September 5, 1847, and loses his father at a young age.

Alexander is quick to claim the throne after the death of his father who was murdered, by one of the King's own bodyguards.

Lincoln's election marks the beginning of many assassination threats and plots.

The Galveston Daily News reports that no one will ever be able to explain the grief and destruction.

As revenge for the attack on his men, Saladin sets a trap by setting fire to Raymond's castle with his wife inside.

Wallace is given a show trial but he is not allowed a lawyer or to speak on his own behalf.

Cornwallis wants Tone quickly tried and executed, so there was no justice.

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