Famous People Documents

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

George Washington became the Colonials' Commander-in-Chief in 1775. His Commission, a key document from America's Revolutionary Era, depicts his offic...

Click on the image for a larger view. On the 14th of April, 1789, Charles Thomson - the secretary of Congress - had a very important trip to make.&nb...

Bookcover image of Gods and Generals: A Novel of the Civil War, by Jeff Shaara.

This graphic, from the National Park Service, depicts the headquarter-locations of General U.S. Grant and General Robert E. Lee at the time of the Con...

Image of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson in 1914.

President Truman's staff prepared a daily account of his activities during the Potsdam Conference (in July of 1945).  This image depicts a page f...

This is the poster for Deliverance, the silent-film about Helen Keller's life.

Not only was Herodotus the "Father of History," he approached the entire subject from a different point of view - his own.  In his Histories, He...

Herodotus is known as the world's first historian and is often called the "Father of History."  He lived in the 5th century, BC. 

This book by Adina de Zavala, and edited by Richard Flores, provides a history of the Tejanos as courageous heroes of the Alamo. Thanks to Arte Publi...

Sol White published an account of his experiences as an African-American baseball player in his book, History of Colored Base Ball. Portions of that ...

Image of the telegram from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman dated February 28, 1946.  In this message, he asks the American president to...

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