Language Arts Chapters

From fiction to non-fiction, it is a great pleasure to explore the world through the written word. Here at AwesomeStories, we read in a 21st century way, exploring the stories with related images, videos, audios and authentic documents to give added depth.

People who have dementia sometimes see things that are not real (but what they see is real to them).

As Godfather Drosselmeier tries to help Marie feel better, he begins to tell her the story of Princess Pirlipat.

As a person with dementia tries to convey her thoughts, things don't come out the way she intends. To her, it seems as though the thoughts are trapped...

As Drosselmeier concludes his story, Marie begins to wonder if the Nutcracker is actually her Godfather's nephew.

Once again the Nutcracker comes to life, this time eliminating the threat of the Mouse King by ending the seven-headed monster's life.

To a person with dementia, wandering - a fearsome thing - takes place in the mind as well as in the body.

A person with dementia can watch the same film many times but it seems new with each successive viewing.

Marie, known as Clara in some versions of "The Nutcracker," contemplates the presents she'd received on Christmas Eve. In this chapter, of E.T.A. Hoff...

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