Language Arts Story Briefs

From fiction to non-fiction, it is a great pleasure to explore the world through the written word. Here at AwesomeStories, we read in a 21st century way, exploring the stories with related images, videos, audios and authentic documents to give added depth.

During 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson took a long walk with a donkey in the south of France. His objective was two-fold: Try to forget about Fanny Osbor...

Robert Louis Stevenson's Mother kept a "baby book" for her only child. It is filled with interesting information about RLS as a baby, a toddler and a ...

Although he wanted to be a writer, Robert Louis Stevenson met with resistance about such a profession from his Father, Tom Stevenson.

Rudolf Abel was a Soviet spy, living in America for eight years, before an informer (his own assistant) blew Abel's cover when the informer defected i...

Samuel Clemens first used his pen name, Mark Twain, while working for Territorial Enterprise, a newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada.

Making their way through the various parts of the Inferno, Dante and Virgil come to the "Ninth Circle of Hell."  There they see a gigantic figure...

Thanks to the sophisticated technology of the Cassini orbiting space telescope, we are able to see things never-before possible. This image, for exam...

After declining his nephew's invitation, Ebenezer Scrooge has a change of heart. He surprises his family by actually showing-up at Fred's home.

"Snow White" - the fairy tale - has captured the imagination of children for hundreds of years.

For two centuries, a set of hanging tapestries depicting scenes from Britain’s 1588 battles with Spain’s great Armada were displayed in We...

Once on the same side of conflict, following their 1939 Non-Aggression Pact, Hitler and Stalin would soon be at opposite ends of "The Great Patriotic ...

As snow blankets so many places, let's examine a famous work by Robert Frost. What is the meaning behind this poem? Have a look and a listen.

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