Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

When Italy was totally unified, in 1871, the new country adopted a common language - Italian - which was only spoken by a very small percentage of the...

Kate Eddowes may be killed because she uses the alias "Mary Kelly."

Thomas Jefferson is the author of many famous quotes.

A Union patrol raids Jesse's farm andtortureshis stepfather, Dr. Reuben Samuel, by hanging him from a tree.

John Bull symbolizes Britain while Uncle Sam represents America.

John Quincy Adams argues in defense of the Africans.

Booth changes his plans and kills the president at Fords Theater.

Kate Eddowes is Jack the Ripper's fourth victim. Her body was found at Mitre Square.

Four days after leaving Nantucket, the Essex was overwhelmed by a terrible squall which damaged the ship during a knockdown.

As Nutcracker resumes his ability to speak, he visits Marie. Asking her to travel with him, to see wonderful things, Nutcracker assures Marie that she...

The Underground Railroad poses incredible risks and uses railroad terms to keep the passages secret.

When slavery ends, many former slaves face incredible obstacles.

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