Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

With his second wife, the white woman Helen Pitts Douglass, "The Old Man Eloquent" continues to live at Cedar Hill.

Politics are changing when Edgardo Mortara is removed from his family, and the event makes world news.

After the war, Jesse and his gang rob banks, stages and trains that belong to Northern interests.

Thomas Nickerson, George Pollard and Owen Chase returned to Nantucket after the wreck of the Essex. Each coped in different ways as they tried to reco...

Solomon Northup, known as "Platt," experiences slave life in Louisiana with a "good master" and a "bad master."

Edwin Epps is a cruel slave-owner who frequently beats slaves for no reason other than to inflict misery. After John Tibeats, Solomon Northup ("Platt...

A mortgage, for the life of Solomon Northup ("Platt") ends-up saving him from death at the hands of a cruel slave-owner called John Tibeats.

Life in Five Points is difficult with overcrowding, high child mortality, unemployment, little food available and violent crimes.

Helen Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 in London to wealthy parents who inherit large cotton fortunes.

Abraham Lincoln realizes that slavery is pulling apart the Union of American States and recognizes the country cannot hold together with such deeply d...

Six weeks into his second term, Lincoln becomes the first President assassinated when John Wilkes Booth shoots him at Ford's Theater.

Chapter 40, of "Little Women," is one of the saddest chapters in the story. Louisa May Alcott based this chapter on events which happened to her siste...

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