Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

April 24, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Ireland's Easter Rising when the people of Ireland took definitive action to rid the country of British ...

The original Emancipation Proclamation resides at the National Archives; Lincoln's copy burns in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871.

After Ebenezer Scrooge takes a trip with the Three Spirits, he decides to make changes in his life. He determines not to end-up like his partner, Jac...

Many American women are champions in the fight for women's rights.

Vincent's sketching and painting of the peasants around him leads to his desire for new challenges.

Marley promises that Scrooge Three Spirits will visit his old partner. The first Spirit - the Ghost of Christmas Past - is his first visitor.

Africans lose the first trial, but abolitionists want them to be set free.

Key is remembered for honoring the Fort McHenry flag which now is cared-for at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

The flag still flies at dawn, after the British give up on Baltimore.

Despite his nickname as "The Hanging Judge," Isaac C. Parker personally opposed capital punishment. Even so, he gave hundreds of convicted criminals t...

The Home Guard locates deserters to return them to war; deserters hide in caves they construct.

After a wild night of the Nutcracker battling the Mouse King (and his army), Marie wakes-up to a doctor sitting by her bedside. No one believes that s...

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