Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Once in New York, immigrants from famine-stricken Ireland form some of the most notorious gangs in Five Points.

After the death of Dr. Lanyon, Gabriel Utterson visits the home of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He is stunned by the events which transpire there.

As he journeys with the "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come," Scrooge sees the body of a man who dies alone, unwanted and unloved. He begins to worry: I...

Lincoln's life, and the role he plays in holding the country together, makes him one of the most significant figures in history.

Beatrix writes twenty-three little books for children, which remain popular today.

The Mahdi and his soldiers, known as dervishes, kill Egyptians who refuse to adopt his version of Islam; slave trade resumes and alcohol is forbidden.

Learn about the Civil-War-era soldiers, for the North and the South, through pictures from the National Archives.

Marie believes that she is on a tour of a magical metropolis, with Nutcracker, but then she wakes up. Was she dreaming or did Nutcracker deliver her s...

Before Jefferson even made the land purchase, he asked Meriwether Lewis to look for a waterway between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean.

The Missouri Compromise allows a part of the former Louisiana Territory - admitted into the Union as a state called Missouri - to be a slave-holding s...

The formerly widespread papal rule comes to an end in the late 19th century.

The Impressionists and Japanese art in Paris influence Vincent's work.

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