Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

In E.T.A. Hoffman's story about "The Nutcracker," a family gathers around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. In addition to all the wonderful presen...

Native Americans lose their land and leaders; their way of life changes forever because of U.S. westward expansion.

On May 10, 1869, the last spike of the transcontinental railroad - an official golden one - is set into the tie at Promontory, Utah. Meanwhile, Nativ...

Poe knows Charles Dickens has a pet raven. Perhaps with that in mind, he publishes (on January 29, 1845), one of his most-famous works, "The Raven." L...

Cold Mountain is a peak in Pisgah National Forest; people who live there during the Civil War sing in the Shape-Note tradition which continues today.

Beatrix has a Belgian buck rabbit, Peter Piper, upon which she bases the fictional Peter Rabbit.

Sadness and death follow Lincoln's assassination, and conspiracy theories continue.

Annie Chapman and Elisabeth Stride are the Ripper's next victims.

Catherine Edowes is the Ripper's next victim, ensuring his place in history as "Jack the Ripper."

Vincent is buried on a beautiful day, surrounded by yellow flowers, his artwork and many people who love him.

Scrooge takes a trip with the "Spirit of Christmas Present" and learns more about the lives of his clerk (Bob Cratchit) and nephew (Fred) than he ever...

Kidnapped people from the western coast of the continent of Africa sail to Cuba against their will.

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