Slaves and Slave Owners Documents

When the "New World" needed cheap labor for its plantations, slave traders kidnapped Africans from their home villages. A "triangle trade" system forever changed the lives of an entire people. Explore this collection to learn what those slaves endured, and discover stories of other types of slavery such as forced labor camps in the Soviet GULAG.

America's federal government passed a law requiring people to help "owners" recover "their" escaped slaves.  It was called The Fugitive Slave Law...

John Newton was more than a writer of the world's most-popular hymn, "Amazing Grace." To learn more about his background, check out this book.  ...

Image depicts the illustration that was used opposite the title page of Equiano's autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equi...

This broadside - "The Negro Woman's Appeal to Her White Sisters" - was a piece of abolitionist literature intended to emotionally impact white America...

The Slave's Friend, a monthly publication for children between 1836-1838, was intended to help children grow-up opposed to slavery. Click on the imag...

Thomas Jefferson was a man of contraditions.  He introduced a bill to end slavery, in 1779, yet he owned, and used, slaves at Monticello.  I...

A slave owner himself, Thomas Jefferson wrote a scathing indictment against it in his early draft of America’s Declaration of Independence. ...

Image of a pamphlet entitled Thoughts Upon Slavery, by John Wesley in 1778.  Founder of the Methodist church, Wesley despised slavery, particular...

Page from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano (also known as "Gustavus Vassa, The African"). Here Equiano tells us what it was like to be seasick ab...

Amendment XIII to the U.S. Constitution - Slavery Abolished as a Legal Institution in AmericaSection 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, e...

Runaway slaves could never really be sure whom they could trust.  Wesley Harris is a case in point. William Still includes Wesley's story in The...

This text image continues the story of Wesley Harris, a runaway slave who was betrayed by someone who acted like a helper.  The story is containe...

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