Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

The most-recognizable building, at Bletchley Park, is the old country mansion. This photo, by Matt Crypto, depicts the mansion which still stands. Cli...

Bobby Jones is one of the greatest golfers during the Great Depression.

Bobby meets privatelywiththeSoviet Ambassador to discuss a deal to end the Cuban missile crisis.

Witnesses describe the shootout that left Wyatt Earp the only armed person who remained unscathed.

In 1995, the mummified remains of a young girl are found; she was probably a sacrifice to the gods.

An atomic bomb called "Fat Man" detonates above the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Less than a week later, Japan surrenders, ending WWII...

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's war-time writing continues to encourage people.

Years after Bonhoeffer's death, people still recall the courage of a pastor who was willing to actively resist the evils of the Third Reich. Decades ...

Police find paper wrappings, cartridges, a rifle and fingerprints on the sixth floor of the Dallas School Book Depository.

There are few sources referencing Boone's trial, but some are available.

Missionaries practice book censoring and burning as they seek to convert the Mayans.

Daniel Boone is a defendant in a court martial. The criminal charges against him assert that is a traitor.

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